React Native Parallax Header is a popular library that allows developers to add parallax effect to the header of their app. With this library, developers can create a scrolling header with an image or any other content that appears to move slower than the rest of the screen, creating a sense of depth and immersion for the user. Some of the key props available in React Native Parallax Header include: • headerHeight: The height of the header. This is required. • backgroundImage: The image to be used as the background of the header. • renderForeground: A function that returns the content to be displayed in the foreground of the header. • renderBackground: A function that returns the content to be displayed in the background of the header. • parallaxHeight: The height of the parallax effect. This defaults to the header height. • stickyHeaderHeight: The height of the sticky header that appears when scrolling down. This defaults to the header height.
Property | Type | Required | Description | Default |
renderNavBar | func | No | This renders the nav bar component | Empty <View /> |
renderContent | func | YES | This renders the scroll view content | - |
headerMaxHeight | number | No | This is the header maximum height | Default to 170 |
headerMinHeight | number | No | This is the header minimum height | Default to common ios & android navbar height (have support for iPhone X too :p) |
backgroundImage | image source | No | This renders the background image of the header (if specified, background color will not take effect) | Default to null |
backgroundImageScale | number | No | This is the image scale - either enlarge or shrink (after scrolling to bottom & exceed the headerMaxHeight) | Default is 1.5 |
backgroundColor | string | No | This is the color of the parallax background (before scrolling up), will not be used if backgroundImage is specified | Default color is #303F9F |
extraScrollHeight | number | No | This is the extra scroll height (after scrolling to bottom & exceed the headerMaxHeight) | Default is 30 |
navbarColor | string | No | This is the background color of the navbar (after scroll up) | Default color is #3498db |
statusBarColor | string | No | This is the status bar color (for android) navBarColor will be used if no statusBarColor is passed in | Default to null |
title | any | No | This is the title to be display in the header, can be string or component | Default to null |
titleStyle | style | No | This is the title style to override default font size/color | Default to color: ‘white’ text and fontSize: 16 |
headerTitleStyle | style | No | This is the header title animated view style to override default <Animated.View> style | Default to null |
scrollEventThrottle | number | No | This is the scroll event throttle | Default is 16 |
contentContainerStyle | style | No | This is the contentContainerStyle style to override default <ScrollView> contentContainerStyle style | Default to null |
containerStyle | style | No | This is the style to override default outermost <View> style | Default to null |
scrollViewStyle | style | No | This is the scrollview style to override default <ScrollView> style | Default to null |
innerContainerStyle | style | No | This is the inner content style to override default <View> style inside <ScrollView> component | Default to null |
alwaysShowTitle | bool | No | This is to determine whether show or hide the title after scroll | Default to true |
alwaysShowNavBar | bool | No | This is to determine whether show or hide the navBar before scroll | Default to true |
scrollViewProps | object | No | This is to override default scroll view properties | Default to {} |
npm i react-native-parallax-header –save
npm i react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome
import React from 'react';import {StyleSheet,View,Text,StatusBar,Dimensions,TouchableOpacity,Platform} from 'react-native';import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome';import ReactNativeParallaxHeader from 'react-native-parallax-header';const {height: SCREEN_HEIGHT} = Dimensions.get('window');const IS_IPHONE_X = SCREEN_HEIGHT === 812 || SCREEN_HEIGHT === 896;const STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? (IS_IPHONE_X ? 44 : 20) : 0;const HEADER_HEIGHT = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? (IS_IPHONE_X ? 88 : 64) : 64;const NAV_BAR_HEIGHT = HEADER_HEIGHT - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT;const renderNavBar = () => (<View style={styles.navContainer}><View style={styles.statusBar} /><View style={styles.navBar}><TouchableOpacity style={styles.iconLeft} onPress={() => {}}><Icon name="chevron-left" size={20} color="white" /></TouchableOpacity><TouchableOpacity style={styles.iconRight} onPress={() => {}}><Icon name="ellipsis-v" size={20} color="white" /></TouchableOpacity></View></View>);const renderContent = () => {return (<View style={styles.body}>{Array.from(Array(30).keys()).map((i) => (<Viewkey={i}style={{padding: 20, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center'}}><Text>Item {i + 1}</Text></View>))}</View>);};const title = () => {return (<View style={styles.body}><Text style={{color: 'white', fontSize: 25}}>Parallax Header</Text></View>);};const App = () => {return (<><StatusBar barStyle="dark-content" /><ReactNativeParallaxHeaderheaderMinHeight={HEADER_HEIGHT}headerMaxHeight={250}extraScrollHeight={20}navbarColor="#3498db"titleStyle={styles.titleStyle}title={title()}backgroundImageScale={1.2}renderNavBar={renderNavBar}renderContent={renderContent}containerStyle={styles.container}contentContainerStyle={styles.contentContainer}innerContainerStyle={styles.container}scrollViewProps={{onScrollBeginDrag: () => console.log('onScrollBeginDrag'),onScrollEndDrag: () => console.log('onScrollEndDrag'),}}/></>);};const styles = StyleSheet.create({container: {flex: 1,padding:20,},contentContainer: {flexGrow: 1,},navContainer: {height: HEADER_HEIGHT,marginHorizontal: 10,},statusBar: {height: STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT,backgroundColor: 'transparent',},navBar: {height: NAV_BAR_HEIGHT,justifyContent: 'space-between',alignItems: 'center',flexDirection: 'row',backgroundColor: 'transparent',},titleStyle: {color: 'white',fontWeight: 'bold',fontSize: 18,},});export default App;
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